Until Sunrise By Sarah O'Rourke

Luca & his hummingbird <3

I've been intrigued by Michelle & Luca since reading "Until Ashlyn" by Aurora Rose Reynolds, and since then I've been dying to know their story. Their chemistry was flaming hot ;) and since Michelle is as feisty, stubborn, sassy as Ashlyn, (since they're BFF's) I was cheering for Luca (like I did for Dillion) to win her heart and love :) but also to convince her that time has no precedence when true love comes towards your way <3

This was a great addition to Aurora Rose Reynolds, Happily Ever Alpha Kindle World :)
Sarah O'Rourke stayed true to Ashlyn & Dillion's characters while writing this, and I loved that because not many do it, but she did, which shows you that she's a great author and did the book and it's characters justice :)

This story has everything I need to enjoy a good, sexy read on a Saturday evening ;) It was incredible how once Luca saw his hummingbird <3, he went after her, full force and at the same time, knowing when to slow down. He may not be a Mayson by blood but he definitely has their characteristics of acting caveman like and their extreme alpha tendencies... once they see "the one", nothing will stop them to claim her ;) and that's exactly what Luca did :) <3


Of course, our heroine, Michelle didn't make it that easy for him but once realizing that Luca was serious about them being together and his intentions, she just decided to follow his flow, while still keeping her independence as a strong young woman and even though she is not a Mayson by blood, she's like family not only because she's Ashlyn's BFF almost like sisters, but because once the Mayson clan claims you, you're a family member for life; meaning they protect and love their own <3

I can't wait to read more stories that our author, Sarah O'Rourke has in store for us :)

Until Sunrise was part of ARR's Happily Ever Alpha Kindle World, which releases on April 3rd, of the total of 16 stories, written by 16 amazing authors, that so far I've had the honor of reading a couple of these stories and they've done these stories justice :) <3



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