King By K.L. Donn (First book of the series, Adair Empire)


 King & his Queen, Lilith <3


This was a great start to this new series from K.L. Donn :) ♡

Yes, it's darker than her other books, but she did a great job in showing that sometimes a little bit of darkness in a story fits when you show the true definition of a story... it's heart and soul.

The Adair Empire with all its twisted and dark main characters and side characters, they're a family ♡

I loved the chemistry flow and the feeling of King and Lilith's bond. King would do anything for his Lilith, his queen ♡♡ and anyone who dares to try to harm and touch what's his (even if it happened before being with him and definitely now being with him) all will pay with dire consequences.

I loved that we got to read about the alphas who will also get their own story in the Adair Empire Series and how they interacted with Lilith. It was beautiful and funny in a twisted way :) ♡


Both King and Lilith complete each other. They have both seen, experienced and have darkness within their souls but those souls also recognize each other as soul-mates ♡♡

Also, loved the ending chapter and can't wait to see the progress of that particular development in the next book of this series :) (get this and read it to know what I'm talking about without revealing any spoilers and you will definitely won't regret it).

Can't wait to see which alpha is next and intrigued to read about the story of his woman and definitely anxious to read about their dark love story ;) ♡ :)


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