Getaway Girl By Tessa Bailey

Elijah and Addison <3

I liked reading Tessa Bailey's books' and I've always liked how she writes her stories because it feels like you're in the story, experiencing everything alongside the main characters.

Getaway Girl was an enjoyable read for me :) It had a little bit of everything; from heartache, loss and betrayal, to humor, adventure and passion, to miscommunication and misunderstandings, it had action, sadness and almost a near death experience but thankfully that character was alright :)

I liked the plot of the story and how it was executed too :) Liked the flow and the chemistry of the main characters as well as the secondary characters too :)

Elijah and Addison meet in the most unconventional way... Elijah left at the alter by his fiance (who in a major twist is related to Addison) and Addison providing him the perfect getaway from the humiliation and embarrassment of being left at the alter, and since he's the mayor, that gotta hit his ego too, poor guy ;( but if this hadn't happened then these two probably wouldn't have never met, so everything always happens for a reason :)

From the getaway, these two go through a lot of obstacles and realizations; also funny moments and also tragic/sad moments; but thankfully there's steamy scenes that make you blush like a schoolgirl with her first crush. There's also confused feelings, by Elijah's part as well as miscommunication so when something almost takes Addison away from him forever, he FINALLY realizes that he's in love with her. You may ask yourself, confused feelings? Well, this silly man was still confused about his feelings for his ex fiance throughout almost the entire book, and it took one almost fatal incident to make him realize who was truly the love of his life and the one he couldn't live without, his Addison <3

All I can say is that sometimes men are simpleminded, silly knuckleheads and sometimes it takes them almost losing someone they truly care about, someone truly special to them, to realize their true feelings; that's what happens to Elijah near the end of Getaway Girl... can't tell you more about that so go read this, it's already live so go check it out, you won't regret it :)

Also, would have liked a longer epilogue and more time into seeing their future but I'm still happy nonetheless that these two got their HEA <3


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