Bark: Lost Valkries MC Book 3 By Esther E. Schmidt

Bark and his fox, Jodi <3

I loved Jodi and Bark's story so much! Esther E. Schmidt did an amazing job on this story, but let's be honest thought, all of her works' are awesome and every time you read something new from her, you keep yourself on edge, waiting for more :)

Jodi was a sweet, with a good-heart girl but was not a doormat but also not an alpha either. It's a weird combination but it worked for her character blending with Bark's character, who's rough, direct, dominant, determined and a bit dark who enjoyed ending his designed targets... they were the perfect fit for one another <3 and when he discovers Jodi, his fox, love that nickname he gave her by the way :) which in actuality is her last name, ha ha, but he said that was her, HIS fox <3; now I'm getting off track, so Bark is now determined to end who sent the request of the hit on Jodi...

There are some secrets that are discovered are related somehow with Bark and Jodi, which for me, means they were fated to meet and get together. It seems fate has been plotting for a long time for these two to find each other and there's was also what Bark said, which is, "I knew there was someone special waiting for me". With this said, it kinda makes you forgive him and forget his not so stellar first impression when we first meet him and kinda melt with these words as Jodi's heart did as well as another part of her anatomy did as well, if you catch my drift ;)


Honestly, this was a great read that had a little bit of everything you want in it that makes it a good story to read :) It has action, amazing main characters, a good story plot, surprising twists and secrets revealed, dirty talk (who doesn't like that ;) ), some funny moments, especially with Anouk, Ronin's old lady, who's super pregnant and in nesting mode, it was funny how every time she cried, Ronin wanted to hurt someone for her being upset even if that person wasn't responsible for it in the first place, ha, ha.

The only thing I didn't like was that we didn't get to see Faya and Crane's characters (they're from the first book in the series, Crane) and how they are doing but nonetheless, this one was a great read and loved the epilogue <3

Can't wait for Paris's story :) well, honestly, can't wait for more stories written by one of our favorites', Esther E. Schmidt :)


"Bark" is the third book in the series, "Lost Valkyries MC" by Esther E.Schmidt, so if you want to start from the beginning of the series to catch up, the first story is "Crane" which is about Faya & Crane and the second story is "Ronin" which is about Ronin & Anouk and now "Bark" which is about Jodi & Bark <3. You won't regret reading these, so go check them out :)


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