Until I Saw You By Jordan Marie

Allan and his Jessie <3

Ever since reading "Unjustified Demands", which is Allan's older sister, Ana's story with Roman, I've been dying for Jordan Marie to write about Allan and I finally got my wish!



Allan is an alpha male, with a dark past, which starts as a small child 'till adulthood, around 22 years old when Roman finds him and instead of killing him for stealing from him, decides to help him turn his life around... it's been 4 years since then and he's sober but he still has nightmares of everything that happened to him and what he did while being on drugs, yet he continues living, hoping one day he can redeem himself. He's also happy that his sister, Ana and little Roman Jr. are treated and protected like a queen and prince by her husband and his father, Roman <3

Allan thinks he'll never have what Ana has with Roman; that a man like him doesn't deserve something good but fate has other plans for him when he meets Jessie, the love of his life, his BOOM! The moment these two touch hands, the famous electricity of the BOOM EFFECT occurs, sealing both their fates', no matter how much they fight it; and trust me they do, especially Allan, when you're predestined for one another, nothing is getting in the way :) 

 Jessie was a great character and I loved how when she truly found out about Allan's past, she didn't turn away, like Allan thought would happen, but turned towards him and hold him, forever <3 She was a sweet, independent, strong yet vulnerable young girl who had no family but the moment she met Allan, she knew with everything inside her, that he would be special for her and through some obstacles, which lasts a little bit so don't worry guys, their separation was very, very short (and it lasted weeks because Jessie after talking to Ana, has to decide if she wants to take the risk with Allan, and this happened before Allan told her all of his dark past) with no other man or woman for them, which I liked :)

I loved the epilogues so much! Thank you, Jordan Marie for not only writing an amazing scene between Asher & November (from the Until Series by Aurora Rose Reynolds) and Allan & Jessie and their similar caveman ways to carry their women ;) but also for giving the readers and fans, Allan's story and happily ever after <3

This was another great addition to ARR's HAPPILY EVER ALPHA KINDLE WORLD :) Jordan Marie always writes good stories and I'm glad she was chosen as one of the authors' to participate in Aurora Rose Reynolds's Kindle Until World because Until I Saw You was awesome and beautiful <3 :) 

Goodreads Link to posted review:



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