Sweet Surrender By C.M. Steele

Derek and his Tracy <3 I loved this story so much! I've been waiting to read about Derek since the first story of the series came out and I finally got my wish! :) Derek and Tracy have insane chemistry that was off the charts HOT and I loved how they were together once the hesitations were thrown off the window. For me, this story was more emotional than the previous two because we found out more about Derek's background story and it was sad and at the same time, what he did was brave and honorable :) In this one, there are a lot of secrets being discovered and revealed, that have to mainly do with Derek, Amelia and her mother... that's a surprising twist I didn't see coming but it made me love Derek even more as a man, father and as an amazing human being ♡♡ I'm glad he was able to also get his happily ever after with Tracy because he deserved it :) Tracy, our curvy heroine, which Derek loves all those curves and is mig...