The Summer I Loved You By J.L. Lora

Cameron, Adriana aka his Adri and their daughter, Bron, finally are together and get their well-deserved happily ever after so many years apart <3

"The Summer I Loved You" is a very emotional, angsty, second chance romance between two characters, Adriana and Cameron that have been through, what I consider "hell", both together when they were younger and then separate as a decade passes by and then when they reconnect, that's a whole other drama because it's not just about them but about the safety, both mental and emotional of their daughter, Bron, who Cameron had no idea existed and he was always adamant of never having kids... as you read this story, you'll be able to somewhat understand Cameron's reasons as to why he never wanted kids...

This was one of the best reads I've read this entire month, no joke and it's actually my first time reading this author's work, and I have to give the author props because it was well written, you could feel every single emotion that not only the main characters, Adriana aka Adri and Cameron were feeling but also the secondary characters as well. This story was so profound in its plot, that the story-line easily flowed and continued to captivate my attention and I just couldn't pull away from my kindle ever since it appeared in it. 

There are so many obstacles to overcome, so many feelings left unsaid, so many emotions running high, that of course, there will be some misunderstandings, miscommunications, some bad people plotting against our beloved hero and heroine and their family but in this story, the hero, and the heroine are both strong, so strong; you'll see the truth to my words when you read this story. 

While I was reading towards the ending, there were some heart-stopping as well as heart-breaking scenes that made me cry and scream in frustration but at the end, everything worked out how it should be and somehow it was bittersweet to me because it means that its the end but at the same I'm so happy for Adriana and her Cameron along with their adorable but very intelligent and inquisitive daughter, Bron 💖 and most importantly, their family is FINALLY together after so many years apart; They didn't let all the malicious obstacles/people that were in their way win and Cameron with his Adri by his side, along with their sassy daughter reached with wide, open arms their well deserved happily ever after 💖💜💛💚  

If you want to know more about this author, then check the links down below because you definitely won't regreting doing so 😘 










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