Often: Iron Orchids Book 4 By Danielle Norman

Ian and his Leo <3

Some say that opposites may attract and in this case, it happens with Leo and Ian...even if it did take many years for Ian to finally realize what was in front of him all long but at least he opened his eyes, yay!

Leo has been secretly in love with Ian since she was 5 years old; I know what may be thinking, "No kid at that age even knows what love is", well she did and as years passed by, her love grew but Ian never noticed so she decided her love to be hidden. I loved Leo's characters so much! She was a strong and at the same time, vulnerable, but she always stood for her friends and who she considered her family. She was loyal, passionate in what she loved to do, which is being a mechanic and she would change that for anything in the world.


I especially loved reading her thoughts because you can see through the rough facade she puts in front of other people but inside herself, she can't hide and that includes her unrequited love for Ian. Destiny saw it was time to put these two together and that it was time for Ian, the businessman, complete opposite from our tomboy, mechanic Leo, to open his eyes to what was in front of him all along and in their friends/siblings wedding, he did and after that nothing was going to stop him in getting Leo. At first, he was confused to what he was feeling, seeing as he's never felt either protective nor possessive of the women he's been with before but with Leo, it was different but after realizing how Leo is, how genuine, passionate, caring, he decides that he's staking his claim on her and when he did... well their intimate scenes were HOT as hell!!

Of course, there are some nefarious situations/obstacles that these two have to overcome, especially Leo since it seems she's the one being targeted. The events that start occurring after Leo and Ian officially get together, makes me believe that someone doesn't want them together and I was right but I can't spoil who it was but I'll give you a hint, it's no ex for either Leo or Ian but someone obsessed with one of them... Luckily at the end, the culprit is discovered and apprehended and these two get their happy ending <3

I absolutely loved that Danielle Norman gives us almost two decades into Leo & Ian's future and it was awesome! It was also funny, the scenes with their kids, it cracked me up reading it :) But I most loved about the epilogue, was Leo and Ian's love showing in the writing and it was a beautiful thing to read <3 <3



If you want to know more about the author, Danielle Norman and her stories, go check out the links below, you won't regret it ;)











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