Liam: The Devil Souls MC Book 4 By LeAnn Ashers

Liam and his Paisley <3

I've been waiting for this book for so long, ever since reading Torch & Kayla's story and were given small teasers in there about Liam and Paisley and then the next books, especially Butcher & Shaylin's story which is the third book of the series, we got to see more of Liam and Paisley and then we were left excited and anxious for their anticipated story to be told to us and now it's here and it was AMAZING!!

These two have been waiting and in love with each other since Paisley was 16 years old and Liam was 17 years old and rescued her from a horrible fate. These two are soulmates and have been waiting, faithfully, for 10 years to finally be together and it was beautiful when Liam is finally home and ready to claim his woman <3 ;)


Ten years of waiting, longing, waiting faithfully without hesitation from both parts to solidify their relationship status and for the claiming to be established even though everyone in the MC knew that Paisley was Liam because he made quite clear to everyone she was his. There were no others for either of them and I loved that :) because they knew no one would be enough or compare and they knew in their hearts that they were each other's one <3

Paisley was an amazing character and such a contrast to what she's been portrayed at first. Yes, she has a caring nature, loves to help people and that's one of the main reasons she became a nurse. She's also sweet, genuine, innocent, kind but that all changes when someone she loves like Liam and/or her MC family and friends are threatened and a total warrior surfaces... she knows how to handle guns like a professional because her uncle, Kyle and her dad, Torch taught her and she really knows how to use it too ;) She's fierce, protective, strong, independent and determined to help in any way she can to put a stop to the threats endangering her family and friends, especially the love of her life, Liam <3 

Paisley is the ideal mate to Liam, a man with a really bad childhood, horrible parents, wonderful sister, Braelyn who's also been through a lot (she also has her story with Ethan, "Loving his Forever")... this guy is tough as nails and is twisted, I think at the same level as Butcher, at least to me but he is patient, supportive, completely devoted to Paisley's happiness and safety, fiercely protective and possessive of his woman and definitely loyal not only to her but to his MC family and his sister too :)

Liam has been doing his time in the SEALS for the past 8 years and when he finally comes home, the first thing he does is go to his woman and let her know he is finally home and here to FINALLY claim what's his <3

Liam and Paisley's stars were aligned the moment they were born and they were destined to meet and love each other fiercely :) These two were destined to be together and anyone who reads this book will see that :)

There's more action, drama, a lot of surprises you guys can't even imagine, danger lurking in every corner, twists you won't see coming and there's also more angst in this book too, well at least to me, maybe it'll be different for you guys. There are also funny moments that had me cracking up so hard, tears started flowing down my cheeks like a waterfall... it had to do with Torch still unable to accept that his baby girl was claimed and that would mean that Paisley is no longer his baby girl but a woman with a man who has staked his claim. I loved reading the scenes with Torch and Liam because Liam would do something like constantly touch Paisley, knowing that it bothered Torch and even Paisley was amused by their pissing contest and glaring competitions that were initiated by her dad, Torch.

We all know that Torch, deep down did approve of Liam claiming Paisley, since everyone knew it was a long time coming, but he was reluctant because she was his daughter but for him, it was hard to let her go and accept that another man will protect her from now on, but he does approve, so don't worry guys, especially when he sees the way that Liam is utterly in love with Paisley, his complete devotion to her, as well as making sure that Paisley is safe, feels loved and cherished and is always protected <3 What father wouldn't want that for his daughter? So of course, Torch reluctantly accepts their relationship, even though we all know he likes Liam :)

There's a lot going on in this book and I can't wait to see who's story is next, in either series, "Devil Souls MC" or "Grim Sinners MC" and even individually. I don't care either way because I love all of LeAnn Ashers stories <3

Loved the epilogue, it was beautiful, emotional and funny all at the same time but I do wish it was a bit longer, but the last scene was hilarious as hell and you'll agree with me when you read this book when it comes out on June 7th :)

If you want to know more about this author, LeAnn Ashers and her stories, check out the links below, you won't regret it :)







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