Stormy Nights BY C.M. Steele

Nick and his Lillian <3

I've been waiting to read Nick and the famous writer who's an employee in the Knights Company since reading "Rainy Days" by C.M. Steele from the Passion, Vows and Babies Novella, who's story is about Charlotte and Ian, who's Nick's little brother. We've gotten glimpses and hints somewhat about them but here, we finally get the full story!

If you want to understand better what I'm trying to tell you guys without completely spoiling it, Ian is actually the one who lit the necessary flame in Nick's butt to FINALLY shake him up from all the 3 years he's waited and FINALLY go claim his woman and make her his. He indeed needed the wake-up that Ian intentionally did and go claim what's always been his. Sometimes, it takes almost losing someone you know is it for you to finally wake you and see how much time was lost.. Just go read Rainy Days and you'll understand better what I'm trying to say.

Nick's known that Lillian is his soul-mate for 3 years but he didn't know how to go around the fraternization policy that's established from his company, so he's waited... Of course that didn't stop Ian from claiming Charlotte after he found her after searching for her for 4 months... but they're different men, yet both are alpha even if Nick's older.

In my opinion, he waited too long to claim Lillian, but I kinda understand since he was avoiding rumors that would circulate around Lillian and how she got where she is for sleeping with one of the bosses' and also avoiding sexual harassment lawsuit claims'; a lot was piled on top of him. Another thing, is that everyone thought he was experienced and kinda of a playboy in Rainy Days, even his brother thought that but when you read Stormy Nights, there are going to be a few surprises you'll like... but I'll give you a small hint, sometimes appearances can be deceiving... okay, I won't be a tease, he was COMPLETELY celibate when he met Lillian and the 3 waiting years. There's more about that but what I can hint is that there's no comparison for either of them of other people. Make your own conclusions ;)

Nick & Lillian are both stubborn and independent characters. Nick was planning for years a way to go around the fraternization policy and Lillian was afraid of being rejected and she actually thought that Nick didn't have any interest in her as a woman, outside of just being an employee. She had no clue Nick was dying to have her; well, she got a big surprise when he shows up, unexpectedly, at her apartment and stakes his claim on her body, mind and soul :) and really, he didn't have to work for it hard because Lillian's always been his and here's are Nick and her words from "Stormy Nights";

Nick said: "You're mine, Lillian."

Lillian responded back: "I've always been."

Of course, those are some words of what they said to each other while Nick claimed her, in the first love scene, which was steamy, dominant and beautiful all at the same time :)

But I will tell you that the only thing I didn't like was all the waiting to be with the one you know is the one but I also explained it above how I somehow understood too; it's a somewhat complicated thing but it all worked out at the end; both the Knight brothers claimed their women, started their families and got their happily ever after <3 <3

"Rainy Days: from Fiona Davenport's Passion, Vows and Babies Kindle World: Novella" By C.M. Steele which is already live :)

"Stormy Nights: from Fiona Davenport's Passion, Vows and Babies Kindle World: Novella" By C.M. Steele is now live :)



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